Training Link's Moves and Abilities

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Overworld: Ordon Village; Tranquility Before the Twilight

Overworld: A Wolf Howls in the Twilight

Dungeon 1: The Forest Temple

Overworld: From Faron Province to the Goron Mines

Dungeon 2: Goron Mines

Overworld: Journey Through Lanayru Province

Overworld: Thorough Explorations and Saving the Zora Prince

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Overworld: The Great Hylian Treasure Hunt

Dungeon 4: Arbiter's Grounds

Overworld: Climbing Snowpeak Mountain

Dungeon 5: Snowpeak Ruins

Overworld: Return to the Sacred Grove

Dungeon 6: Temple of Time

Overworld: Ascension to the City in the Sky

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Training Link's Moves and Abilities

When exploring the shadowy caverns and uncharted corners of Hyrule, survival is never guaranteed. Link’s world is full of all sorts of dangers, and the first step to ensuring a long life in the adventuring business is to master all of the moves and abilities your survival may hinge upon.

Human Form

Link’s most versatile form is his normal, everyday self. In human form, Link can wield a sword and defend himself with a shield. He also has access to all of the different items and tools he has acquired during his travels, which are often used to overcome a variety of obstacles. Most importantly, Link can talk to people he meets while in human form.

Walking and Running

Push the Left Analog stick in any direction to make Link run in that direction. Gently push the Left Analog stick to make Link walk, which is handy when navigating narrow ledges and the like.


No specific button is required to make Link jump; simply run off the edge of any ledge or precipice and Link automatically leaps into the air. Practice jumping about with Link early in the adventure to get a feel for how far he can travel through the air.

Before making a tricky jump, always press the zl button to center the camera behind Link. This allows you to line up the jump properly and run straight ahead.


While running, press the A button to make Link tuck and roll. This simple move causes Link to move a bit faster, so it’s common to roll over and over when traveling long distances on foot. Link is also a much smaller and more agile target when rolling, so abuse this handy maneuver when you need to quickly move out of harm’s way.

Rolling into objects can have surprising results. Try rolling into the tall trees in the Ordon Woods!

Human Form Combat

Now we’re getting to the good stuff! Link lives in troubled times, where knowing how to defend oneself is one of the most vital skill sets to master. Let’s take a look at the many offensive and defensive moves that are available to Link in his human form.

ZL Targeting

This is where it all begins! Targeting hostile creatures is absolutely vital to succeeding in combat. Whenever you encounter a creepy creature, press and hold the ZL button to target it. Link’s attention then becomes focused on the enemy, keeping it in his view at all times.

The function of the A button also changes when you’re targeting an enemy. While moving to one side or the other, pressing the A button causes Link to perform a quick lateral hop. This is an effective way to avoid linear attacks, and can even help you flank your foe!

Understand that Link’s movements revolve around his current target. When you push the Left Analog Stick to move about, Link now sidesteps around his targeted foe.

Holding ZL to target is also how you raise Link’s shield to defend against incoming attacks. Blocking with a shield can be extremely useful, especially when you’re faced with a new enemy whose attacks are unfamiliar, or when up against overwhelming odds. Link can defend just about any attack by blocking; don’t overlook this handy ability!

Press the A button while moving backward to execute a hasty retreat in the form of a backflip. This is a fast way to put some distance between you and your target.

Backflip multiple times to retreat as far as you like without losing track of your target.

Link’s accuracy is second to none while ZL targeting! Lock-on to an enemy and then use any long-range item, such as the Slingshot, Gale Boomerang, or Hero’s Bow. The attack flies straight at the enemy, almost always finding its mark! This is much easier than manual aiming, which there often isn’t time for during the thick of battle.

Jump Attack

Once you’ve targeted an enemy, remain stationary and press the A button to make Link leap forward and execute his powerful jump attack! This move works great against flying enemies, but it leaves Link open to counterattack for a few seconds. Use the jump attack only when you see an opening, and avoid using it when enemies swarm in.

Sword Combos

Continuously press the B button to make Link draw his sword and begin hacking and slicing! This is the most common way to tear through your foes. Remember to ZL target your enemies to take the guesswork out of aiming!

Link can also execute a running barrage of sword strikes. Start running, then begin pressing the B button to make Link slash from side to side. This is a fast way to clear out fields full of tall grass, or to soften up groups of enemies before making a more calculated assault.

Spin Attack

This ferocious 360-degree sword strike is Link’s bread and butter when enemies swarm in. Rotate the Left Analog Stick or hold the B button for a few seconds, then release to make Link spin around with his sword arm extended, slashing through everything nearby. The range on this attack is surprisingly long, allowing you to eliminate whole groups of enemies with a single attack.

Ending Blow

Link encounters a fearsome-looking Spirit Wolf on his way to the Forest Temple, but the wolf isn’t a threat. Instead, it transports Link to an ethereal realm, where the skeletal form of the Hero’s Shade materializes and teaches Link his first Hidden Skill, the ending blow.

The ending blow allows you to quickly defeat a tough enemy that you’ve knocked to the ground. When this move becomes available, the “Finish” icon appears at the bottom of the screen. Quickly press the A button to execute the ending blow; Link leaps through the air and comes crashing down on his target, sword-point first! No matter how much fight a monster may have left, the ending blow ensures that its lights go out!

The ending blow is just one of seven incredibly useful Hidden Skills that Link can learn over the course of the adventure. Refer to the Walkthrough section to learn when and how to acquire each one, including detailed tips on how they’re best used.

Wolf Form

As a wolf, Link has access to a whole new range of talents and abilities, but he loses many of the skills he possesses in human form. While he can still walk and run about as normal, Link cannot wield a sword or shield or use any items; wolf paws weren’t designed for such work! It’s also impossible for wolf Link to speak with humans he meets; they usually just cower in fear, not understanding that he’s really a heroic, good-natured kind of wolf. But these are small prices to pay for the sheer thrill of letting one’s inner animal run free!


Walking, running, and jumping remain exactly the same between Link’s wolf and human forms, but his bipedal roll ability becomes replaced by a short dash that works in much the same way. Press the A button while running to dash forward a few paces, getting an extra boost of speed to help speed up travel and avoid hostile attacks.

Dash just before running off a ledge to jump a bit farther than normal.


Being a wolf has its advantages. In wolf form, Link has access to heightened senses, which he can turn on and off at will. Press the X button to activate and deactivate Link’s lupine sense view and see the world in an entirely new way.

As you might expect, Link’s wolf sense has a variety of different uses. With sense view engaged, he can follow scent trails, become aware of invisible characters and enemies, and even detect soft spots in the ground where items lie buried!


All kinds of neat things end up in the soil: Hearts, Rupees, you name it. Whenever Link’s wolf sense detects a soft patch of earth, he sees the area as a dark, shimmering circle, which is known as a dig spot. Approach a dig spot and the “Dig” icon appears at the bottom of the screen. Press the Y button to dig into the soil and excavate whatever goodies were buried there.

Some dig spots appear larger than others. These large dig spots indicate an underground route that can be used to reach a new area. Tunnel into large dig spots and see where you end up!


Midna finds it easier to control Link when he travels in wolf form. At certain areas in Hyrule, she can help him leap great distances to reach new areas and progress through the environment. Whenever this is an option, an icon of Midna’s head appears at the bottom of the screen. Press the L button to summon Midna and initiate a Midna-jump.

Midna zips over to the ledge you can leap to. Hold ZL to target her, then press the A button to have her pull you across the wide gap. Sometimes you can make multiple jumps in quick succession; just keep holding ZL and pressing the A button until you reach the end of the line.


When Link assumes his lupine form, the spirit of the wolf runs deep within him. While standing near certain objects, such as Hawk Grass or a Windstone, the “Howl” icon appears at the bottom of the screen. Press the A button to begin listening to the object’s tune, then use the Left Analog Stick to howl along, imitating the pitch of the notes that form the song. Do so correctly and something special will happen!

Howling the tune of Hawk Grass summons a Hawk, which Link may speak with in his wolf form. Hawks usually have helpful advice, so call on them whenever you need a tip!

Howling the tune of a Windstone summons a Spirit Wolf at a certain place in Hyrule. Each Windstone summons a certain Spirit Wolf, who you may then visit to learn a new Hidden Skill! Refer to the Walkthrough section for the locations of each Windstone and Spirit Wolf in the game.

Speaking with Animals

Link’s wolfish appearance frightens most humans, but animals are a bit more intuitive and don’t scare so easily. As a wolf, Link can speak to all manner of woodland creatures, including Cuccos, squirrels, frogs, ducks, and more! When traveling in Link’s wolf guise, speak with every animal you see for unique advice and offbeat conversations.

Wolf Form Combat

Wolf-based combat is surprisingly similar to that of Link’s human form. Though you have no sword or shield, Link is far more agile as a wolf, and his razor-sharp claws and fangs cut as swift and sharp as nearly any sword. Targeting also works just the same as it does when Link moves about on two legs; hold ZL to keep a lock on your foe, and your movements become relative to the current target.

Jump Attack

Link’s patented jump attack gets a nasty new twist when he employs it as a wolf. Instead of the single (and somewhat slow) leaping strike that human Link performs, wolf Link springs through the air with great speed, snapping his fangs around his adversary! If the initial bite doesn’t defeat the enemy, you can usually rapidly press the A button and make Link chomp away four or five more times!

Bite Combos

Link’s standard sword barrage is replaced by a series of vicious bites when you press the B button in wolf form. These quick nips have a shorter range than the human form sword strikes, but they’re a bit faster to execute.

Spin Attack

Even without the cutting edge of Link’s sword, this wolfish spin attack is an extremely powerful and versatile combat maneuver. Employ it when faced with multiple enemies, or as an addition to other wolf-based attacks.

Energy Field

When you’re feeling the urge for widespread destruction—and in Link’s wolf form, you should always be feeling this urge—press and hold the B button to charge up a crackling energy field. A circle of pure energy encompasses Link, automatically targeting each nearby enemy. Release the B button to make Link fly about, ripping through each targeted enemy in turn. Few monsters can withstand the might of this brutal assault!

In wolf form, the area-effect attack is the best way to deal with those pesky Twilit Messengers. Defeat all but two of them, then target both inside an area-effect attack to drop them fast!

Riding Epona

Hyrule is a vast land filled with dangerous creatures—not exactly the kind of place you want to be exploring on foot! Fortunately, you usually have the option of riding Link’s faithful steed, Epona. Venturing through fields of Hyrule on horseback is the only way to go; it’s faster, safer, and way more fun!

Needless to say, you can’t ride Epona in wolf form!

Approach Epona and press the A button to climb onto her back. Press the A button again while stationary to slide back down to the ground. And if you’re in a hurry, approach Epona from the rear and press the B button; Link leaps into the saddle and dashes off at great speed!

If you need a ride but Epona’s nowhere to be found, pluck up some Horse Grass and give a whistle. She comes running!

While riding Epona, notice the six spur icons at the bottom of the screen. These let you know how many times you can press the A button to make Epona dash forward at high speed. Each time you press the A button, one of the spur icons disappears. The icons regenerate over time, but try not to waste them; you never know when you might need that extra boost of speed!

Epona won’t run off cliffs or sudden drops, but she’ll happily bound over short obstacles. When approaching a low wall, fence, or gate, press the A button to spur Epona and make her gallop at high speed. Run straight at the obstacle you wish her to leap, and Epona gracefully jumps over it in stunning fashion!

Controlling Epona is a bit tricky at first. This lady likes moving forward, and fast; turning and backing up aren’t exactly her favorite maneuvers!

Gently press the Left Analog Stick backward to make Epona back up slowly. Press the Left Analog Stick backward with more force to make her neigh and spin around 180-degrees.

Horseback Combat

Fighting your foes on horseback while galloping along at high speed across a vast, rolling plain; what more could you ask for? Link’s sword works wonders from horseback. Make him slash to either side by pressing the A button, or execute a powerful horseback spin attack by holding the B button and releasing it, or by rotating the Left Analog Stick and pressing B immediately after!

While ZL targeting can be a help during horseback combat, it’s not quite as useful as it is on foot. That’s because Epona is oblivious to your target and won’t chase after it; only Link’s attention becomes focused on his prey. Still, if you want to launch a long-ranged assault, there’s no better way to ensure hits than to target your enemies!

Epona isn’t without offensive capabilities, either. Steer her into an enemy and she’ll bump it, doing a bit of damage. Hit the A button to spur her along and she smashes through foes, knocking them clear out of the way!
