Legendary Checklists Gear

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Legendary Checklists Gear

All of the following items are stored on the Gear subscreen. These are the vital items that Link uses frequently over the course of his quest. With the sole exception of the Razor Sword, none of Link’s gear is lost when he plays the Song of Time.

Name Description/Effect Location How to Get It
Adult Wallet Lets you carry up to 200 Rupees. South Clock Town Receive it from the bank teller after you deposit a total of 200 or more Rupees into your account.
Big Bomb Bag Lets you carry up to 30 bombs. West Clock Town (Bomb Shop) Can be purchased for 90 Rupees on the Second and Final Days after you stop the thief from robbing the old woman in North Clock Town during the Night of the First Day.
Biggest Bomb Bag Lets you carry up to 40 bombs. Goron Village Talk to the Business Scrub as Goron Link, give him your Big Bomb Bag, and then pay him 200 Rupees.
Bomb Bag Lets you carry and use up to 20 bombs. West Clock Town (Bomb Shop) Buy it for 50 Rupees.
Bombers’ Notebook Helps you keep track of your heroic accomplishments across Termina. Clock Town (Clock Tower) The mask salesman gives this to Link after Link reclaims the Ocarina of Time from the Skull Kid.
Fishing Hole Pass Grants you one free fishing rod rental at the Swamp or Ocean Fishing Hole (a 50-Rupee value). Clock Town Can be won from the Deku Scrub Playground and Honey & Darling’s Shop.
Giant Wallet Lets you carry up to 500 Rupees. Great Bay Coast (Oceanside Spider House) Collect all 30 Gold Skulltula Spirits in the Oceanside Spider House within a single day, and then speak with the man who appears at the entrance.
Gilded Sword A superior version of the Razor Sword, strengthened by Gold Dust. Its edge never dulls. Mountain Village (Smithy) Instead of picking up the Razor Sword, leave it with the smithy, and give him Gold Dust. He’ll reforge the blade free of charge.
Goht’s Remains A cursed mask left behind by Goht, the boss of Snowhead Temple. It’s one of four special masks needed to challenge the Skull Kid. Snowhead Temple Defeat the temple’s boss, Goht.
Gyorg’s Remains A cursed mask left behind by Gyorg, the boss of the Great Bay Temple. It’s one of four special masks needed to challenge the Skull Kid. Great Bay Temple Defeat the temple’s boss, Gyorg.
Hero’s Shield Link’s starting shield. Great for blocking most frontal attacks. N/A Link has this from the start of his adventure.
Kokiri Sword Link’s starting sword. Ideal for swift swordplay. N/A Link has this from the start of his adventure.
Large Quiver Lets you carry up to 40 arrows for use with the Hero’s Bow. East Clock Town (Shooting Gallery) Beat the Town Shooting Gallery’s top score of 39 points by scoring 40 points or more.
Largest Quiver Lets you carry up to 50 arrows for use with the Hero’s Bow. Swamp Trail (Shooting Gallery) Hit every monster to set a high score of 2120.
Mirror Shield A special shield that can reflect rays of light. Ikana Canyon (Beneath the Well) Found in a chest beneath the well, at the end of the ruin.
Ocarina of Time A legendary magical instrument that lets Link control the flow of time. South Clock Town During the Night of the Final Day, climb the Clock Tower, and then hit the Skull Kid with one of Deku Link’s bubbles.
Odolwa’s Remains A cursed mask left behind by Odolwa, the boss of Woodfall Temple. It’s one of four special masks needed to challenge the Skull Kid. Woodfall Temple Defeat the temple’s boss, Odolwa.
Pictograph Box Use it to take a picture of anything you see. Show your pics to the man in the Swamp Tourist Center for rewards. Southern Swamp (Tourist Center) Speak to the burly man in the Swamp Tourist Center.
Quiver Lets you carry up to 30 arrows for use with the Hero’s Bow. Woodfall Temple Found in the temple (you automatically get it when you find the Hero’s Bow).
Razor Sword A razor-sharp blade that’s twice as strong as the Kokiri Sword. Dulls after 100 uses or after you reset time, reverting back to the Kokiri Sword. Mountain Village (Smithy) Pay the smithy 100 Rupees to have him forge the Razor Sword. Return the next day to pick it up.
Twinmold’s Remains A cursed mask left behind by Twinmold, the boss of the Stone Tower Temple. It’s one of four special masks needed to challenge the Skull Kid. Stone Tower Temple Defeat the temple’s boss, Twinmold.
